The second half of the 50th Reunion Friday Meet and Greet.

Picture 24
24. Rick Byram and Jennie Byram

Picture 25
25. Carmelo Deprocida and Marian Berry

Picture 26
26. Shirley (Leavitt) Kerkhoven and Darlene (Vandelle) Thompson

Picture 27
27. Toni (Marin) Wilhite and Ron Bussey

Picture 28
28. Gloria (Rogers) Hunt

Picture 29
29. Jim Fugina and Ric Johnson

Picture 30
30. Dave Hutchison and Nancy Prockiw

Picture 31
31. Brenda (Lundstrom) Langhorn and Rick Langhorn

Picture 32
32. Bill Walkley and Sherry (Power) Walkley

Picture 33
33. John Kwasney

Picture 34
34. Patti (Fisher) Gilmar and Larry Stock

Picture 35
35. Bob Streich and Alex Campbell

Picture 36
36. Brian Crowe and Keith Durston

Picture 37
37. Carr Waldie, Jack Morrison and Gary Tipper

Picture 38
38. Linda and Jerome Soum

Picture 39
39. Judy (Leinweber) McIntosh, Chris Dixon and Kathy (Dixon) O'Brien

Picture 40
40. Jim Fugina and Brian MacKay

Picture 41
41. Gay Corbett, Dave Corbett and Gary Tipper

Picture 42
42. Bob Phair and Barb (Smith) Phair

Picture 43
43. Darlene and Corinne setting up the room.

Picture 44
44. John, Larry and Brian studying the annual.

Picture 45
45. David, Rick and Jennie in conversation.

Picture 46
46. Alex Campbell, Neil McClure and Harvey Sims.
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