23 thoughts on “Departed Classmates”

  1. Gary, what a great idea and very well done. It brings back a lot of memories from Gary Brown passing in grade 7 and the many who have gone after him

  2. Gary, Bob Benson here. Holy moly what an amazing tribute. I for sure shed a few tears remembering all of my friends / classmates as you presented in your tribute. Many good times and some challenges were faced by a lot of those now in God’s heaven. I still remember you, Dean Sickle (sp), Zeke, Crowesy, Don Shields and the Bock brothers and many others playing shinny hockey at the Lois Creek rink. Too much fun! All though I left Kimberley in 1973, I have always stayed in touch and been close as my new family had a place at Wasa, and I currently have a place at Lazy Lake (called Rock Lake, in the old days) . Take care Gary, and again thanks very much for this wonderful tribute.


      Hi Bob, good to hear from you again.
      Ah yes, the old Lois Creek rink – lots of great memories from there. I remember when the line of you, Don Shields and I made the Senior Pee Wee rep team.
      / that was the high point of my hockey career.

  3. Brenda {Lundstrom} Langhorn

    Gary thank you for compiling this beautiful, heartfelt tribute to our classmates who are no longer with us. It is lovely.

  4. Ronald M Gauthier

    I sat and watched the tribute that Gary Malone put together on our departed classmates.
    Gary, thank you, it brough back many good memories of all those that have departed and tears to my eyes as I listened to and viewed their photos remembering all of them. What an amazing tribute.

  5. Gary, what a nice tribute, . You must have done lots of searching to find the school photos from way back in elementary school. You chose great music too.

  6. Shirley Filip Morrow

    Thank you Gary, for blessing us all with this beautiful tribute to our departed classmates. It is truly moving.

  7. Darlene Thompson

    Thank you Gary for such a wonderful tribute. Very touching & hard to believe, when viewed as a group, just how many we have lost. Again, Thank you! Will be passing this on!

      Thank you Darlene.
      “Will be passing this on!”
      No kidding. When I checked the site’s logs this morning there was so much traffic I thought it was under a Denial of Service attack.

  8. Thank you for making this lovely video full of great photos and wonderful music.
    A few years ago, I was staying in Cranbrook thru my dad’s last months and got to chat several times with Donnie Olderness, who talked of some who’d gone before, and about his condition. Sad to see so many have passed, but wonderful to have good memories of those young years!!

      Hi Deanna,
      I was helping a friend do some renovations at Don’s house in Marysville (shortly before he passed), but I did get to visit him a few times.

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