Pictures from the Saturday dinner at Bootleg Gap.

Picture 1
1. Bootleg Gap patio and fountain

Picture 2
2. Faye (Dube) Grantham, Barb (Pratt) Balcom, Corinne (Keiver) Gilchrist, Shirley (Morrow) Filip

Picture 3
3. Harvey Sims, David Niven, Kathy (Dixon) O'Brien

Picture 5
5. Ferne (Chatterson) Senecal, Carmelo Deprocida

Picture 6
6. Darlene (Wright) Murphy, Karen (Fogde) Mayer, Linda (Gowans) Crane, Florence (Tyson) Shirley (Roskilly) Durston, Barb (Mattson) McKinley and Ferne (Chatterson) SenecalGriffin,

Picture 7
7. Susan & Carr Waldie, Bob Phair, Gary Tipper

Picture 8
8. Darlene (Wright) Murphy, Gary Tipper, Ferne (Chatterson) Senecal, Karen (Fogde) Mayer, Jacquie Day, Corinne (Keiver) Gilchrist and Bob Gilchrist.

Picture 9
9. Barb (Pratt) Balcom , Dan Murphy, Barb (Mattson) McKinley
'Sneezy' Faye (Dube) Grantham, Darlene (Wright) Murphy

Picture 10
10. David and Gay Corbett

Picture 11
11. Bootleg Gap Fountain

Picture 12
12. Bryan Lowe, Rosanne Dufresne, Jacquie Day, ?

Picture 13
13. Toni (Marin) Wilhite, Rosanne Dufresne

Picture 14
14. Rae Fergus, Darlene (Wright) Murphy

Picture 15
15. Bob Griffin, Bill Walkley, Rick Langhorn

Picture 18
16. Crowd Scene

Picture 17
17. Bob Gilchrist, Corinne (Keiver) Gilchrist, prize table

Picture 18
18. Dinner Time (two)

Picture 19
19. Pat (Kostiuk) McClure, Dave Corbett

Picture 20
20. Memorial Table

Picture 21
21. Going to the Class Photo

Picture 22
22. Group Photo

Picture 23
23. Group Photo (two)
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