50th Friday Part 2 Leave a Comment / By admin / July 26, 2023 The second half of the 50th Reunion Friday Meet and Greet. Picture 2424. Rick Byram and Jennie ByramPicture 2525. Carmelo Deprocida and Marian BerryPicture 2626. Shirley (Leavitt) Kerkhoven and Darlene (Vandelle) ThompsonPicture 2727. Toni (Marin) Wilhite and Ron BusseyPicture 2828. Gloria (Rogers) HuntPicture 2929. Jim Fugina and Ric JohnsonPicture 3030. Dave Hutchison and Nancy ProckiwPicture 3131. Brenda (Lundstrom) Langhorn and Rick LanghornPicture 3232. Bill Walkley and Sherry (Power) WalkleyPicture 3333. John KwasneyPicture 3434. Patti (Fisher) Gilmar and Larry StockPicture 3535. Bob Streich and Alex CampbellPicture 3636. Brian Crowe and Keith DurstonPicture 3737. Carr Waldie, Jack Morrison and Gary TipperPicture 3838. Linda and Jerome SoumPicture 3939. Judy (Leinweber) McIntosh, Chris Dixon and Kathy (Dixon) O'BrienPicture 4040. Jim Fugina and Brian MacKayPicture 4141. Gay Corbett, Dave Corbett and Gary TipperPicture 4242. Bob Phair and Barb (Smith) PhairPicture 4343. Darlene and Corinne setting up the room.Picture 4444. John, Larry and Brian studying the annual.Picture 4545. David, Rick and Jennie in conversation.Picture 4646. Alex Campbell, Neil McClure and Harvey Sims. Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading...